The Divine Principle of all expresses Science and art throughout His creation, and the immortality of man and the universe.
-Mary Baker Eddy
Paintings, photographs, quilts, pottery and more created by our church’s congregation and Sunday school students brighten and welcome attendees. It’s in our entryway and foyer.
Did you know Mary Baker Eddy, who wrote “Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures,” speaks about art? Eddy says, “This divine Principle of all expresses Science and art throughout His creation, and the immortality of man and the universe. Creation is ever appearing and must ever continue to appear from the nature of its inexhaustible source.” (507:25-28) What a great thought!
Throughout history man has reflected and demonstrated Soul’s very presence and its creation ever continuing to appear. We are blessed by art-making. How does it even happen? It’s a God given-gift (some say talent) that arrives first as Christ’s inspiration to the human consciousness. It reveals its idea, shape and design, and color. It directs the unfolding of that creation—from a small vessel to great architecture—that inspires and shelters.
Who was the first artist in the Bible? As far as we know, it was Bezaleel. Moses told the Israelites about Bezaleel; he said he had the spirit of God with ability and wisdom and knew all kinds of craftsmanship. He made artistic designs and worked in gold and silver and bronze. He was even good in carving wood and setting stones and evidently liked to teach. Soon these early people were dying fabrics, working in blues, purple and scarlet…doing “cunning” works. (see Exodus 35: 31-35) And Solomon’s workers designed, built and furnished the great temple. These workers demonstrated the Scientific divine Principle of architecture with very primitive tools available to them. While there are not many women given credit for their artistry in the Bible, there is recognition. Remember Dorcas. Evidently she made such wonderful coats and garments that the widows wanted to show Peter. Dorcas had died but Peter raised her from the dead. Undoubtedly Dorcas continued her important work making garments and coats. People making clothes today know it’s an art form.
Soul’s faculties are continually unfolding its inspiring and useful ideas to us. We are honored to make art—to share its beauty, utility and freshness. We grow spiritually, and draw closer sharing more together. Hear Eddy’s words: “The periods of spiritual ascension are the days and seasons of Mind’s creation, in which beauty, sublimity, purity, and holiness—yea, the divine nature—appear in man and the universe never to disappear.” (509:24)
Church is a perfect place for art.